Glòria Garcia Vera

Glòria Garcia Vera

Glòria Garcia Vera

Head of the Municipal Employment Service Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallès

We commissioned Silvestre Ríos and Rosa Oliveras with a consulting intervention to improve the cohesion of a team of 16 people, most of them highly qualified and experienced psychologists or pedagogues. After the intervention, I see more serenity, more desire to share and share responsibility, the work climate is warm and pleasant. Some people with key roles have taken the risk of leading the changes they want to achieve, and that has been very positive.

The professionalism and involvement of the team members, which they already had before the intervention, now shines much brighter, is more noticeable and yields more results. I believe that the methodology used and your temperament as a consultant has meant an exceptional model and learning for the whole team.