What can Inner Journey Method™ do for companies

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Our clients are companies and organizations that value efficiency, dynamism and innovation and do not hesitate to open paths and recognize emerging values.

Our interventions are aimed at key professionals due to their potential impact and influence on other people. We usually act when a team of people lacks harmony, communication, or new ideas.

If your team is going through a stage:

  • Where communication and trust have deteriorated.
  • If individualism prevails over the whole or the project.
  • If responsibilities are shunned.
  • If entrenched conflicts do not allow progress.
  • If leadership could be more decisive for the results and professional well-being of the team members.
  • If it seems that the project is stagnant and in need of a revulsion.

It may be the best time to bring about a change that allows you to move forward. Things hardly fix themselves, and the passage of time can deteriorate or continue to deteriorate relationships and the professional project.

What we Do

We help work teams that want to improve their internal functioning and well-being to improve results.

Depending on your need, we help you:

  • Harmonize your work team, to generate a fuller, healthier and more productive work environment:
    • Improving communication within the team.
    • Identifying the strengths of people to enhance them in their job.
    • Resolving and transforming conflicts into opportunities for professional growth.
    • Strengthening leadership.
  • Increase the chances of success of the project through a new way of thinking, acting and communicating: not linear, but creative and multidimensional:
    • Experiencing a disruptive process to rethink strategy.
    • Facilitating innovation and renewal of ideas.
    • Identifying limitations and broadening perspectives.
    • Testing the alignment of the project with the market.
Inner Journey Method Companies

How do we do it

We work with a format close to the game, which allows access to the subconscious, where the deepest needs and emotions are housed, and which is where decisions are really made. That is why the method is faster and more effective than traditional interventions.

The sequence of the intervention is designed through a convenient format for the organization, and usually goes through these steps:

  1. A space is created to show and give value to individual uniqueness, to the expression of different needs and visions.
  2. Each person becomes more aware of their strengths and weaknesses. As a consequence, the person becomes more self-confident. Then the differences of the other team members can be recognized and valued.
  3. The collaborative team is generated: when each individual knows their abilities and trusts in them, they can open up and take advantage of what other individuals have.
  4. Natural synergies and team harmonization occur. As a result, performance increases and change management is streamlined, with no devitalizing emotions and no energy wasted on stresses and unproductive communications.
  5. We take teams out of their linearity to enter disruptive processes in which new ideas can be suggested. Limitations are identified, perspectives are broadened, and new solutions and formulas are connected.
Inner Journey method companies


  • Increased self-confidence, at the individual level, of team members.
  • Transformation of conflicts and misunderstandings, into productive and assertive communication.
  • Greater understanding of the perspectives of others.
  • Increased trust and collaboration between people.
  • Greater involvement, higher performance.
  • Easier and more agile change management (without so much effort or pain).
  • Focus of energy on solutions, reactivation of the initiative.
  • Greater capacity for impact and influence on the client.

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Here you can read one of our success stories.

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Let's dig a little deeper

In our post Resolving Conflicts you will find much more practical information about conflict resolution in teams. We explore in depth our approach to tackling these issues.

Resolving Conflicts

Resolving Conflicts

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